Responsibility in the Time of Crisis

Published: Jun 30, 2023
crises bioethics responsibility life system subjectivity evolution
Dejan Donev
Denko Skalovski

One of the crucial questions that this text seeks to answer is whether again it is just one of the current crises of the value system that we can call “western” or it is a definite end of the functioning of a particular system and its hierarchy, whose principle of growth and imperial development is predominantly determined by the economic logic of profit/capitalism and the “infinity” of its progress. The answer implies the return/internalization of positive utopian energies and a new universalist moral optimism (macro ethics) as a dialectical antipode of postmodern “liberal” antihumanism and self-destructive relativism and total nihilism. Moreover, it requires a commitment to the creation/construction of new systems of thinking and acting and great importance of the moral-political responsibility of all social subjects in those new systems of social technology.

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Author Biographies
Dejan Donev, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia

Professor of Ethics and Bioethics, President of the Center for integrative Bioethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, North Macedonia

Denko Skalovski, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia

Professor of Philosophy at the Insitute for Gender studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia

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