Factors that contribute the effi cient function of transnational participation schemes in Multinational Companies: evidence from the employee representatives’ attitudes

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Employee Relations Multinational Companies Worker Participation Trade Unions European Works Councils
Θεόδωρος Κουτρούκης

The Greek case of worker participation
indicates that, there was considerable
unwillingness of IR actors to promote
such procedures. Nonetheless, during
the last decade, a progress in employee
involvement schemes has been made
within the subsidiaries of multinational
companies (MNCs), thanks to the EU
Directive on European Works Councils. This
paper examines the factors that contribute
the effi ciency of worker participation in the
MNCs by reviewing the existing literature and
enriching it with some new research fi ndings
from the employee side. The conclusions of
this study indicate that there are some good
practices of worker participation schemes,
which are linked with several contributing
factors concerning the nature of the MNC
and the structure of employee representation
as well. Thus, that paper could affect the
improvement of the traditional industrial
relations policies within MNCs.

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