From education to paid employment: Empirical investigation of the labour market integration of youth in Greece

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Education Greece Paid employment
Μαρία Καραμεσίνη

The paper empirically investigates the transition of youth from education to work in Greece by using a macroeconomic and dynamic approach. It examines in particular the labour market integration of young graduates of the year 1999
by educational attainment level and gender, as well as the difficulties they had in stabilizing in employment during 2000-2005. The paper also discusses the impact of the economic context at the moment of graduation and during the first years after labour market entry by comparing employment performance of the 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000 and 2002 cohorts, one, three and five years after graduation. The methodology used for the empirical analysis consists of the creation of pseudopanels and the estimation of a number of indicators of labour market integration for consecutive years.

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