Political theology in recent case-law on Religious Education in Greece: “religious consciousness” vs “religious conscience” within the Greek Constitution

Konstantinos Georgiadis

The social and political dialogue on Religious Education in Greece has reached a peak. A series of court decisions annulled a corresponding series of administrative decisions, by which the New Curriculum for Religious Education was legislated and reformed repeatedly since 2016. The controversy between a “confessional” and an “interreligious” approach concentrates on two ostensibly contradictory terms within the Greek Constitution: the “religious conscience” (Article 13) as an individual right and the “religious consciousness” (Article 16) in the broad sense of the collective consciousness. The main issue is the exact meaning of the “Orthodox consciousness”, since it is identified with the “religious consciousness”. Does it imply only a religion or a cultural identity that also has a supra-constitutional status in Greece? Is it really in conflict with or does it rather presuppose an “open society”? Resolution to such dilemmas is given by a political theology based on recent constitutional case-law.

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Konstantinos Georgiadis

Biographical Note

Konstantinos Georgiadis studied Theology and Law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His master's degree and doctorate, which were received by the Faculty of Theology (A.U.Th.), are in the field of Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology, as is his first postdoctoral research. His second postdoctoral research is on the public debate over Religious Education in Greece. He has numerous publications in scientific journals and conferences. For three years, he has worked as an adjunct lecturer at the Aristotle University. Throughout the past two decades and presently he is teaching Religion and Sociology at Greek Secondary Schools.