Conducting Thematic Analysis in Qualitative Research οf Social Work

Veröffentlicht: Δεκ 30, 2023
Despoina Andreadou
Sevaste Chatzifotiou

Thematic analysis is one of the most commonly
used qualitative data analysis method in social
science research offering an accessible and
theoretically flexible approach for analyzing
qualitative data. This is a discussion paper
comprising an analytical overview of thematic
analysis, its conceptualization, characteristics
and applications. Furthermore, a social work
worked example using thematic analysis with
data from one of our own research projects
– domestic violence and parenthood - is
analytically discussed providing a step-by-step
guide for the analysis process. We conclude by
bringing more light to the importance of the
method and advocating it as most useful and
flexible for qualitative social work research.

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Despoina Andreadou, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)

Despoina Andreadou is a licensed social worker at the Social Services of Local Authority. She
holds an MA in Social Work in Education from the department of Social Administration and
Political Science, Division of Social Work, D.U.T.H. Her doctoral thesis is on Domestic Violence
and Parenthood in the Light of Social Work: "The discourse of mothers-victims of violence who
turned to support networks", (Department of Social Work at the Democritus University of Thrace).
Her research interests are on domestic violence, parenthood, gender inequality in the family and
qualitative methodology

Sevaste Chatzifotiou , Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)

Sevaste Chatzifotiou is an Professor of Social Work, Gender and Domestic Violence at the Department of Social Work at the Democritus University of Thrace. She holds an MA in Social and
Community Work Studies (Uni of Bradford-UK) and in Social Research Methods (Uni of Manchester-UK). Her doctoral thesis is on Help Seeking behavior of Abused women in Greece (Uni of
Manchester-UK). Her research and teaching interests are among others, domestic violence,
ethics and values in Social Work, qualitative research methodology and gender inequality in
the family, education and society. Contact:

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