The legal protection of the accrued contributions in the Greek Public Pension Fund for the Self-Employed in view of the latest reductions

Veröffentlicht: Apr 13, 2016
George Simeonidis
Dafni Diliagka
Anna Tsetoura
This paper focuses on the pensioners of the Greek public pension fund for the selfemployed (OAEE) and is divided into two parts. The first part comprises calculations of pension reductions in certain cases for the selfemployed. The analysis of the former illustrates the great difference in handling pensioners
receiving low and high old-age pension benefits. The second part analyses the legal protection of the high-earnings pensioners precipitated by the Greek financial crisis. It is concluded that while there is no existing legal protection, there are some moral and legal arguments in support of their protection to
ensure that their legal status is not undermined due to restricted financial resources.
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George Simeonidis, Hellenic Actuarial Authority
George Symeonidis is a Board Member of the Hellenic Actuarial Authority, which monitors pension expenditure in Greece yearly through actuarial analysis. In the past, he has independently produced actuarial valuations for several Greek funds. He follows the Ageing Working Group, the EU subgroup which monitors age related spending in the long-term. Since 2006, he has collaborated closely with the International Labor Organization and has been trained on the ILO model in Geneva. His education includes Pure and Applied Mathematics at a graduate and postgraduate level as well as certified knowledge of Economics used in actuarial valuations. He issues a paper on the Greek Pension System and its recent reform process every year. Address: Hellenic Actuarial Authority, Stadiou 29, Athens, 10110, Greece. Email:
Dafni Diliagka, Max-Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy
Dafni Diliagka is a PhD law student - scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy. She has previously obtained the law-degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and completed a Masters of European and International Law at the University of Bremen in Germany. Her dissertation topic concerns the role of the financial crisis in the constitutionality of the old-age benefit reductions. Her latest publication includes “Leistungen für langjährig Rentenversicherte in Griechenland” (Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Recht 1/2012). She has presented her research at international research conferences. Address: Max
Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Amalienstr. 33, 80799 Munich, Germany. Email:
Anna Tsetoura
Anna Tsetoura is a PhD student at the Law Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). She obtained her Master of Laws in European Social Security at the Katholiek Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and her Law Diploma at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She published “Property Protection as a Limit to Deteriorating Social Security Protection” at the European Journal of Social Security (1/2013) and she recently published “The criteria of social security
protection according to ECHR and European Social Charter” in the Greek Journal EDKA (Review of Social Security Law). Latest activities: participation as a speaker to EISS-CANPI Conference 2012, FISS Conference 2013, the Greek Meeting of Social Security Law 2013. Address: Synthikis Lozanis 4, Postal code 68100, Alexandroupolis (Greece). E-mail:
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