Les choix managériaux de gestion des ressources humaines «âgées». Une approche comparative

Veröffentlicht: Apr 13, 2016
Apostolos Xyraphis

Managerial choices and ageing of human
recourses. A comparative approach.
When talking about retaining or retiring “elder”
human resources in firms, from the viewpoint
of business the choice of the theoretical
interpretation seems sensible as it involves
numerous parameters that are closely related
to transfer of knowledge, optimal utilization
of abilities and performance criterion, all of
them representing important ingredients of a
potential competitive advantage. Hence, from
an epistemological point of view, the choice
of an explanatory theory is also sensible, as the
author is quite convinced that the divisions in
the scientific-research community and consequently
narrow-mindedness of academic approaches
impede a productive understanding
of relations1 and the managerial engineering
of choices. Thus the article deals with the way
managerial choices are made on a number of
institutional arrangements that occur upon
several internal and external factors such as
regulations, laws, collective agreements, flexibility
and mobility arrangements, ergonomics
and individual career planning, at the firm
level within specific geographical boundaries,
affecting both “aged” workers and the firm.

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