Reducing social costs by the rehabilitation system in Germany: rehabilitation, prevention and the role of employers

Veröffentlicht: Απρ 13, 2016
Stamatia Devetzi

Retaining and restoring employability and work capacity of the employees is a major goal in the German social security system and an important means to reduce social costs. The main tool to achieve this is rehabilitation. The “rehabilitation system” constitutes  an important part of the overall German social security system. This article gives an overview of the German rehabilitation system, its
main goals and characteristics. Special attention is paid to the question of prevention and the role of employers.

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Stamatia Devetzi, University of Applied Sciences, Fulda, Germany

Stamatia Devetzi is Professor of Social Security Law at the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda (Germany). She has been Assistant Professor for Public Law and European Social Security Law at the University of Osnabrück. Her main research interests are social security of migrants and comparative social security law. She has researched and written on European social security coordination and on legal comparison. Email:

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