Relations between national-regional unemployment and employment policies for a sustainable development in Greece

Veröffentlicht: abr 18, 2016
Kostas Rontos
John Vavouras
Nikos Nagopoulos

The extent of unemployment constitutes one of the most basic indicators of sustainable development and particularly in the field of socioeconomic development, given that the extended unemployment, especially of the youth, cannot be considered to be compromising with the concept of sustainable development, as it restricts the possibilities of an important part of society to satisfy its needs, in the present and in the future too. Labor, when using the linear regression analysis, defines the relations between regional and national employment and unemployment in Greece, in order to reveal the reactions of each of the 13 regions of the country to the national trends for a period of 16 years, between 1998 and 2013. The differentiations that are revealed are considered crucial in the implementation of a regional strategy against unemployment, in order to achieve better prospects of economic development, to reduce the unemployment rate of each particular area and to implement an integrated strategy of sustainable development of the country.

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Kostas Rontos, University of the Aegean

Kostas Rontos is Professor of Social Demography and Statistics at the Sociology Department of the University of the Aegean. He is the President of the aforementioned Department. He is also Director of the Laboratory “Social Informatics, Statistics and Research Infrastructures”. He used to be a Director at the National Statistical Service of Greece. He has participated in several research projects on subjects as statistical research, regional & demographic analysis and information systems. He has been the author or co-author of publications on subjects as employment, migration, institutional economics, demographic analysis, statistics and information systems. (Corresponding author: Kostas Rontos, University of the Aegean, University Hill, 81100 Mitilini e-mail:

John Vavouras, Panteion University

John Vavouras is Professor of Economic Policy at Panteion University, Department of Public Administration. He has studied at Panteion University and at the University of Leicester. His main fields of research are economic policy, institutional economics, economic governance, macroeconomic analysis, public sector economics and economics of integration where he has a large number of scientific publications.

Nikos Nagopoulos, University of the Aegean

Nikos Nagopoulos is Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology – University of Aegean, with subjects: “Sociology of knowledge”, “Theory and Methodology of Social Sciences”, “Sociology of the State, administration and organizations” and “Sociolinguistics”. He is also coordinator of the Postgraduate course: Theory and Sociology of Organizations. Organizational issues and human resources, in the P.G Program: Research for local social development and cohesion, - Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean.

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