Networks of Solidarity Cities: The Social Dimension of the City Networks within the Europe for Citizens Programme, 2014-2020

SCAD No 31
Δημοσιευμένα: nov 29, 2022
Antonios Karvounis

The European Union is built on solidarity: solidarity between its citizens, solidarity across borders between its Member States, and solidarity through support actions inside and outside the Union. Solidarity is a shared value which creates cohesion and responds to societal challenges such as the recent refugee and migration crisis. But what does solidarity mean within the European Union, especially in times of crisis? What are the legal, political, economic and even ethical limits of European solidarity? The unprecedented arrivals of migrants and refugees in recent years in particular have put Europe's solidarity to the test. Under the Europe for Citizens programme 2014-2020, citizens were given the opportunity to discuss the topic of solidarity as a multiannual priority during that programming period and to assess existing solidarity mechanisms inside the EU. This article underlines the role of the city networks measure of that European programme in which municipalities and their associations working together had the opportunity to develop partnerships of towns to make and develop the solidarity principle more sustainable in a long-term perspective. In this respect, despite their disparity, city networks share common aspirations: exchanging experiences and knowledge, enhancing the skills of their members' executives, exerting influence, securing international representation and defending their interests.

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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Antonios Karvounis

Antonios Karvounis, Ph.D., is working at the Hellenic Ministry of Interior and is competent for the international partnerships and European programmes of local authorities. He had been national contact point of the Europe for Citizens Programme for the programming periods 2007-2013 & 2014-2020. He is teaching at Hellenic Open University. He has written several books and articles on city diplomacy, public administration and local government’s international affairs and European Programmes. E-mail:

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