The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Radiography and the Necessary Changes in the Education of Radiographers

Published: Jul 1, 2022
Artificial Intellignece Technology Healthcare Education
Nikolaos Stogiannos
Eleni Georgiadou
Charalabos Bougias
Christina Malamateniou

Artificial Intelligence (AI), which was firstly introduced in the 1950s, has a multidisciplinary character, bringing together computer science, applied mathematics, physics etc., while it also feeds and promotes many technology related fields. Specifically, the use of AI in healthcare has already started to produce great advantages and procedures which lead to better outcomes.

In medical imaging departments, there are now some AI-based systems which can optimise image quality, facilitate automated treatment planning and automated image reconstruction, achieve automated examination planning, reduced scan time, structured reporting etc. Radiographers must use now these AI-based systems in their daily practice, either in radiography or radiotherapy.

This technology is now present in every aspect of our daily lives, including healthcare. The only way to achieve a smooth inclusion is by enhancing and improving radiography-related academic curricula. It is therefore vital to decide how we are going to face this new era.

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