The social anthropologist and the studied society. Investigating the dynamics of interaction relationships

Published: Jul 17, 2018
Ethnographic research participatory observation anthropology at home reflective anthropology
Μιχάλης Πέτρου

This article, based on empirical research material collected from long-term on-site research of a rural community, focuses on some of the key aspects of the relationship -in all phases of the field research- between the social anthropologist and the society under observation, between the «observer» and the «the observed», the «familiar» and the «unfamiliar». By investigating the dynamics of interpersonal contacts between the main actors of ethnographic research, the paper, attempts to highlight the value and uniqueness of participating ‘from within’ in the collective life of the studied society in order to understand different ways of living.

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Author Biography
Μιχάλης Πέτρου, National Centre of Social Research
Researcher, Social Anthropology
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