Selective sociological and psychological aspects of the "social" phenomenon of anomie

Published: Jan 1, 1976
Ioanna Perantzaki
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
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Author Biography
Ioanna Perantzaki, ΕΚΚΕ

Ioanna Perantzaki was bom in Athens and has been graduated
from Pantios School of Political Science. After her graduation
from Pantios, she continued her studies in Law at the University
of Thessaloniki. In 1965, she received scholarship and went to
the USA for her graduate studies in Sociology. In 1967, she
received her Master of Science Degree in Sociology from Florida
State University. Proceeding on the Ph.D. program she
completed most of the required course work in Sociology, 

From 1971 until 1973 she continued her graduate studies in
Sociology at the University of Paris, France (Sorbonne) and
complete her research project for Doctorate thesis in Sociology.
From 1974, she is teaching assistant of Sociology at Pantios
School of Political Science. Her research and teaching
experience includes: 1) Research assistant of Sociology at
the Social Research Center of Florida State University (Department
of Sociology) (1965-1967), 2) Instructor of Sociology
at Dothan Alabama UniversityCollege (1967-1968), 3) Teaching
assistant of Sociology at Michigan State University (1968-
1970). She is member of the American Sociological Association.