Evolution of human needs in changing civilizations

Published: Jan 1, 1974
Panos D. Bardis

The theory presented in this study is that, as science
and technology advance and the resulting affluence
generates higher levels of satisfaction for man’s
physiological drives, our emphasis on sociopsychological
needs becomes greater and greater. The data
employed to test this theory were of two types: one,
macroanalytical or historical, and two, microanalytical
or semihistorical, the latter being the problems
and needs of New York’s «neediest» families. At
least the data included here do support the theory.
The numerous implications of these findings are
obvious. Below are a few of them:
1. We need a standardized and more precise and
systematic nomenclature of human needs in order
to study them more fruitfully.
2. Our increasing affluence necessitates further research
into the psychology and sociology of leisure
3. More meaningful education in this sector is also
4. We must explore the exact relationship between
frustration and violence.
5. Social planning in these areas is something that
can no longer be postponed with impunity.
6. The developing economies of the Third World
will generate new sociopsychological needs which,
unless appropriate measures are taken, may result
in social unrest and even violence.

7. Finally, the utopian plans of those who conceive
of purely economic solutions as sufficient panaceas
are simplistic and ludicrous, as they reveal their
advocates’ inability to understand the nature of
both our physiological and sociopsychological needs.
Unfortunately, although physical satiety is often
easy to achieve, there is no answer, for instance, to
this question: When does a man have enough power?
For man’s sociopsychological needs are insatiable,
boundless, unfathomable!

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