Industrial movements in Greek industry: Intragenerational trends

Published: Jan 1, 1977
Koula Kassimati

This paper presents intragenerational trends in industrial
mobility rates of employees in Greek industry and analyses
variations of rates by means of individual’s socioeconomic features
and characteristics of their social and industrial environment
Intragenerational mobility is restricted to inter industrial
movements and in this context the following will be studied:
(i) job changes during respondent’s life, (ii) intragenerational
occupational mobility during the period 1965-1974 and (iii)
reasons motivating respondents to change or stay in the same
job. To achieve these aims a sample of one thousand industrial
workers employed in one hundred establishments of the
Greater Athens area were extensively interviewed. The sampling
design was based on the principles of two stage random
sample (with the self weighing estimator).

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Author Biography
Koula Kassimati

She has graduated from the School of Industrial Studies
(Piraeus) and School of Statistics. She received a scholarship
from the Dutch Government for post graduate studies in Industrial
Management in Holland (RUB Delft 1973) and a
scholarship from the States Scholarships Foundation of Greece
(1973-76) and received DIC and Ph.D. from Imperial College,
London University. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled
Labour Mobility in Greek Industry: Inter and Intragenerational
trends. She has worked at the Social Sciences Center of
Athens, and the Greek Productivity Centre. She is currently
working as a special advisor at the Third Educational Planning
at the Ministry of Education.

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