Neokaisaria (Pieria): A case study of recent mass migration from western Macedonia to federal Germany

Published: Jan 1, 1981
Emile Kolodny

Amongst contemporary Greek migrations, migratory waves towards
West Germany can be distinguished by their recent and massive
character, their special function as a supply of· unskilled industrial
manpower, as well as their precise geographical origins. Most of those
migrants came from Macedonia, a region united to Greece after the
first Balkan War (1912). The population of this area was fundamen
tally altered by the Greek-Turkish compulsory exchanges of 1922-23
and the arrival of numerous refugees from Asia Minor.
Neokaisaria, a small settlement near Katerini (Pieria), was founded
in 1928 by refugees from the Pontus mountains. Since 1961, the
village has lost half of its inhabitants through mass migration to West
Germany. Between 1975 and 1977, a parallel survey has been carried
out in Neokaisaria and in the Stuttgart conurbanization area, where
these migrants are mainly concentrated. This study is based on the
analysis of basic documents, Greek and German unpublished sources,
and matched from interviews on individuals. The Neokaisaria case
study offers a concrete example of today migratory movements in
rural Macedonia. This monography is an outcome of a more general
geographical project conducted by the French National Center for
Scientific Research K NRS RCP n° 397), dealing with labour migra
tions between Mediterranean countries and West Germany.

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Author Biography
Emile Kolodny, Institut de Géographie d’Aix-en-Provence

Emile Kolodny, né à Paris en 1932, est maître de recherche au Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) où il dirige, depuis
1975, une Recherche Coopérative sur Programme sur les migrations
de main-d'ocuvrc entre les pays méditerranéens et l'Allemagne
Fédérale iRCP. n° 397). Spécialisé dans les problèmes de géographie
humaine insulaire en Méditerranée, il a consacré de nombreux articles
à la Corse, les îles de l’Egée, la Crète et Chypre, et présenté en
1973 une thèse d'Etat sur La population des îles de la Grèce (Aix-en-
Provence. EDISUD, 1974). Ce sont les enquêtes insulaires qui l'ont
amené à poursuivre des recherches concernant la diaspora hellénique
en RFA et à étendre le champ des investigations aux autres nationalités
méditerranéennes qui s'y trouvent représentées. A ce titre,
il a participé à la rédaction de l’ouvrage collectif Les étrangers à Stult
gart{ CNRS, 1977).

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