The role of cooperation in rural development

Published: Jan 1, 1981
Parmenion Avdelidis

The late emergence and the development of cooperatives in Greece
are linked to the economic social and political evolution of the coun­
try. This is owing to the economic under development and the feudal
nature of production relations which were still prevailing in the
agrarian economy many decades after the country become indepen­
dent. The necessary conditions for the cooperative movement to
develop only appeared when feudal relations in agriculture were
abolished and land was distributed to the peasants.
Though it spread in the post-war period, the cooperative move­
ment is behind the times both in its organization and functioning, as
well as in its operations, mainly because of the anachronistic legisla
tion on cooperatives, the interventions of public services, the lack of
economic help and assistance from the State and the absence of
capital and training.
Especially with' the entry of Greece into the Common Market,
cooperatives can play today an important role in helping to
reorganize agriculture and adjust it to the EEC requirements, in­
crease the agricultural income, reduce under employment and rural
depopulation. It can also take part in the cultural development of
villages and the general development of the countryside.

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Author Biography
Parmenion Avdelidis, Centre National de Recherches Sociales

Licencié de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université d’Âthènes, avocat,
Docteur de l’Académie d’Etudes Economiques de Bucarest, P.A. fut
aussi collaborateur scientifique et responsable de recherches auprès des
Centres ou Instituts Universitaires et Scientifiques à Bucarest et à
Paris. Depuis 1975 il est responsable de recherches au Centre Na­
tional de Recherches Sociales d’Athènes. A publié plusieurs dizaines
de travaux en grec, français et roumain sur des sujets relatifs à
l’Economie Agraire et aux Coopératives, parmi lesquels: Le mouve­
ment coopératif agricole en Grèce (1ère édition en 1975, 2ème en
1976, en grec), L’économie agraire etles perspectives de son dévelop­
pement(1ère éd. en 1976, 2ème en 1979, en grec), La coopérative dans
les conditions du capitalisme (1978, en grec), Le mouvement
coopératif dans les Balkans ( 1973), Surse de benefica in Cooperativele
Agricole de producile (1968), Dictionar de Economia Agrara (1969,
en coll.), Le revenu agricole (1965, en grec).