Safe constituencies in epirus: A quantitative analysis of elections in the department of loannina between 1956 and 1964

Published: Jan 1, 1981
Stathis Damianakos

Sale constituencies, as a privileged manifestation of patronage rela
tionships in Greek countryside, constitute a particular mode of
peasants’ insertion in the political life of the country and illustrate a
kind of relations between Power and basic structures (village
sociability). The maintenance, transformation or decline of these rela
tions attest the differentiated evolutions that traditional societies
undergo according to the uneven penetration of capitalist relations,
and reveal to what extent the patronage system, stops, deflects,
moderates, transforms or conceals the class aspects of social conflicts.
The electoral process during the last five ballots in the department of
loannina, between 1956 and 1964, has been quantitatively analysed
in this perspective. Such an approach strongly contrasts with tradi­
tional studies in electoral sociology: the prime objective is not the
study of geographic distribution of political parties' influence or the
measurement of the impact on voting decisions of some variables; it is 

rather the analysis, the votes resulting from social mechanisms
and the quantitative evaluation of these mechanisms. The peasant
electorate is not considered as a category among others at the na­
tional level, it is endowed with a specificity which consists not in
«who» is chosen but in «how» the choice is made. The unit selected
for analysis is the village (considered as the most relevant level of ag
gregation for the selected variables), and not the districtor the depart­
ment which considerably distort (cancel, reinforce or reverse) the cor­
relations or associations found in smaller units. This paper presents
part of the results of this research: in chapter one,the regional context
is examined through a set of demographic, geographic and cultural
variables. In chapter two are studied the connections between these
variables and one constructed variable («voting behaviour») suppos­
ed to measure the hold of patronage relationships in each village. In
the last chapter, a model of multivariate analysis is proposed, which
leads to a typology of the social and electoral configurations in the
area. The maps provided with point out significant geographic con­
tinuities and discontinuities.

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Author Biography
Stathis Damianakos, Université de Paris

Stalins I lamianakos. sociologue, est Chargé de Recherche au Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Etudes universitaires
à Athènes (Sciences Politiques) et post-universitaires à Paris, comme
boursier du Gouvernement français (Sociologie Politique, Métho­
dologie en Sciences Sociales. Sociologie Rurale). Chercheur au
Centre de Sciences Sociales d'Athènes entre I960 et 1963. a notant
ment participé au programme de recherches dans les communautés
rurales épirotes. Depuis une dizaine d’années, mène des travaux dans
trois domaines essentiellement: types de sociabilité et structures
politiques dans la campagne grecque; sociologie électorale de la Grèce
d'après guerre: Cultures populaires, marginalité et société in
dustrielle. Dans le cadre de ces recherches a publié plusieurs ouvrages
et articles en grec et en français et participé à des congrès interna­
tionaux de Sociologie ou d’Anthropologie Sociale. Travaux récents:
Sociologie du Réhéliko. Ed. Ermeias. Athènes 1976. Etudes Rurales
et Monographies I.orales en Grèce. GRS. CNRS, l'niversité de l’ai ts
X, Nanterre, 1978, «Vergina: Modernisation agricole et changement
social dans un village de la Macédoine Centrale» (en coll.), The Greek
Reviewof Social Research. No 33-34, 1978 (en grec), «De l’identité 

ethnique à l'identité de classe: les groupes marginaux en Grèce et en
Turquie» (en coli.), Xe colloque de ΓAISLE. Toulouse, 1978,
«Altérité et Ethnographie dans les Balkans: pour une lecture
sociologique de la manifestation culturelle populaire», Journées
d’Etudes de la RCP, Identités Culturelles en Europe Centrale et
Balkanique, MSH, Paris 1979.

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