From submission to dependence: Women's status in a pelion village

Published: Jan 1, 1981
Marie-Elisabeth Handman

Pouri is a Pelion village which long remained remote. Established in
the middleof the 18th century, its history is that discontinuous one of
those villages which receive successive migratory waves.The changes
it has undergone (transition from share-croping or factory wage­
earning systems to agricultural self-employment; mechanization of
certain farm-work) have always taken place at the expense of women.
Their inferior position has not allowed them to benefit immediately
from the economic and technical improvements; on the contrary,
they pay the cost of it. either in extra work (1920-1955), or in increas­
ed isolation ( 1960-1970).'or to-day in a discrepancy between their
aspirations (to live like urban housewives) and their village life
characterized by boredom and disillusionment. For, if mechanization
liberated them from what they call «slavery», i.e. an almost
unbearable load of work, it did not give them the means of becoming
autonomous and self-reliant. Moreover, they do not wish to become
independent: they have interiorized their dependence so much that
they consider it as a natural necessity.

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Author Biography
Marie-Elisabeth Handman, EHESS

Née en 1942. Marie Elisabeth Handman esl diplômée de l'Institu
dll talcs Politiques de Paris (19641 Après avoir travaille durant trois
ans à la Fondation nationale des Sciences politiques où elle a col­
laboré avec YvesTavernier à des enquêtes sur les paysans et la politi­
que: elle est entrée au Laboratoire d'Anthropologie sociale du Collège
de France et de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales en
qualité de chef de travaux. Chargée de la rédaction des Etudesrurales
dont elle est secrétaire générale depuis 1976, elle a entrepris une
recherche ethnologique sur le village de Pouri en Thessalie. Sur ce
village, elle a publié «Les noces à Pouri», L'Homme, avr.-sept. 1976.
XVI (2 3). pp. 41-67 ftradmt en grec par \<ip. I . Χαρίτοι., «Ό
ΙΙουριτιινός Γάμος», Άρχαον Θιιοηιύludiv Μι:λ/:τ<όν, Βόλος,
1970. «I n I hessalic. ou comment le pouvoir échappe aux femmes»,
in CERM: La condition féminine, Paris. Editions Sociales. 1978. pp.