Funicular sensilla of Dαcus oleαe: fine structural characteristics

Published: Jan 8, 1984
Dacus oleae Olive fruit fly Diptera Tephritidae Electron microscopy Olfactory sensilla Poreless sensilla Fine structure
Ε. Hallberg
J.N.C. Yan Der Pers
G.E. Haniotakis
The funicular sensilla in Dacus oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae) are found both on the surface and in the single olfactory pit. The surface sensilla are of three types: two are single-walled, the third is double-walled. The fine structure of these three sensillar types indicates olfactory function capabilities. The single-walled sensilla are, as a rule, innervated by two sensory cells. The long single-walled sensilla have unbranched sensory processes, whereas in the short they are branched. The double-walled sensilla usually possess three sensory cells that send unbranched sensory processes towards the tip of the hair. The olfactory pit sensilla are of two types: one type is identical to the double-walled type found on the funicular surface. The second type is poreless and found only in the olfactory pit. The poreless sensilla are innervated by three sensory cells, two of which terminate inside the cuticular hair, while the third does not enter inside the hair but terminates freely below it. The functional capabilities of this sensillar type are unknown.
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