Induction of dormancy in Lobesia botrana by long day and high temperature conditions

Published: Jan 8, 1988
Grape berry moth High tmperature effects Insect diapause Insect dorélimination mancy Lobesia botrana Photoperiod effects
Μ. Ε. Tzanakakis
Μ. Savopoulou-Soultani
C. S. Oustapassidis
S.C. Verras
Η. Hatziemmanouel
Lobesia botrana (Denis and Schiffermueller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is known to enter a facultative autumnohibernal diapause-mediated dormancy in the pupal stage, when the embryonic and early larval stages are exposed to short-day photo-periods. Yet, in a laboratory stock originating from northern Greece and reared for years on an artificial larval diet, dormancy occurred also under a long-day photo-period. When the eggs were incubated at 30oC in the dark or at 26 oC under the natural daylength of August in northern Greece, and the larvae grew at L:D 16:8 and 25-26 oC, but not 20 oC, a substantial percentage of the pupae entered dormancy. This dormancy seems to be diapause-mediated. It is not known whether it is a typical summer diapause.
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