Non-indigenous scale insects on ornamental plants in Bulgaria and China: A survey

Published: Jan 8, 2010
non-indigenous scale insects Bulgaria China ornamental plants
K. Trencheva
G. Trenchev
R. Tomov
S.-A. Wu

A preliminary list of non-indigenous scale insect species on ornamental plants in Bulgaria and China is presented. The sampling was done between April and November, 2009, in the framework of the project “Invasive scale insects on ornamental plants in Bulgaria and China”. The insects were collected in nurseries, parks, gardens, botanical collections and greenhouses. Representatives from four families have been identified in Bulgaria, the most numerous of which are the Diaspididae (eight species), Coccidae (four species), Pseudococcidae (two species) and Margarodidae (one species). Three species of non-indigenous scale insects associated with ornamental plants were collected in China, all belonging to the family Pseudococcidae. A list of alien scale insect species on ornamental plants is given, including the sampling sites, host plants on which they were found, origin and first report in both countries.

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