Отправка материалов

Контрольный список подготовки материала к отправке

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Article submitted to Eoa kai Esperia is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.
  • To the best of my knowledge the Article does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.
  • The Article does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, I have obtained it from the copyright holder.
  • I have read and I accept the Copyright Policy and have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal.
  • I grant to Eoa kai Esperia a royalty‐free, worldwide nonexclusive license perform all necessary actions to publish first the article in an issue of the Journal.
  • I retain ownership and/or I am the lawful right-holder of all rights under copyright in the Articles, and I reserve all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.
  • In any case of re‐publication of the Article, Eoa kai Esperia will be given first publication acknowledgement authorized by me and all other co‐authors.
  • I have the full power and authority to provide the warranties and agree to the license granted by virtue of verifying all the above statements.

Руководство для авторов

Eoa kai Esperia publishes articles written in the following languages: Greek, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. The following guidelines are valid for all six languages.


An overview of the submission process

All articles that fall within the scope of the journal are considered, on condition that they are original and have been submitted only to Eoa kai Esperia. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the journal’s webpage (http://www.eoaesperia.org). The Editor will consider articles that are carefully presented in terms of writing and reflect a mature stage of research. Papers are accepted for publication solely on the basis of their merit according to the results of a blind peer-review process. Revised articles are published in the journal’s webpage as soon as the editing and layout process is complete, on condition that they are accompanied by all necessary documentation (i.e. images and permissions for their reproduction). The revised form of an article should take into consideration the changes requested by the reviewers. It should also comply with the formatting standards set by the journal, as described below. Articles are published in PDF format. The author is responsible for editing the article to a level acceptable for publication. By submitting an article for publication to Eoa kai Esperia the author assumes responsibility for adhering to international laws regarding intellectual property rights, assures that no violation is caused to the intellectual property rights of third parties, and accepts the journal’s copyright policies.


Book reviews

Books to be reviewed are sent for review after the journal’s Editor(s) has been duly notified.


Initial submission

Manuscripts of no more than 25,000 words are submitted electronically via the journal webpage in PDF format. Longer articles will be considered in exceptional circumstances and only after communication with the Editor(s). Images, illustrations and tables may be submitted after communication with the Editor(s). Submission must be made by a single file that will include images, tables and references. An abstract in one of the languages accepted by the journal (in the case of papers submitted in a language other than Greek, the abstract must be in Greek) should be also submitted on a separate page. The abstract should not exceed one (1) page in length. The name of the author(s) must not appear anywhere in the initial submission document, while references to previous works by the author(s) should be in the third person. The Editor(s) – in collaboration with the Editorial Board – reserves the right to reject a manuscript before the review process begins. Manuscripts that advance to the review stage are sent to two outside reviewers, who are requested to submit their evaluations within one month. Upon receipt of the reviews, authors are informed of the Editor(s)’ decision to accept the article for publication (either as it stands or after changes are made) or reject it. The Editor(s) also informs the author(s) as to the contents of the reviews. In case of conflicting reviews, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer, whose evaluation is considered final.


Revised submission

Upon notification that a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author is called upon to submit the final version of the article within two months. The revised version must take into consideration the changes suggested by the reviewers. No major changes to the text are permitted after the final submission. The revised submission should conform to the journal guidelines that are set out below (“Specifications for final submission”) and follow the style specifications described below (“Style”). Illustrations and copies of all relevant permissions should be submitted to the journal at this time. Revised versions of articles will be forwarded for the final stages of publication (editing and layout) only upon receipt of all documentation (e.g. photographs) and necessary permissions for reproducing copyrighted material belonging to third parties (e.g. photographs, line drawings), on condition that the revised article conforms to the journal’s guidelines. Authors have the opportunity to examine the proofread copy of their articles. They are called upon to provide their comments on changes within three days from the moment they are notified. In the absence of a response, the article is published according to the changes proposed by the copyeditor. Authors can follow the progress of their manuscript through all stages of the publication procedure via their accounts on the journal webpage.


Specifications for final submission

The following should be submitted as separate electronic files (the name of each file should consist of the author’s last name and the type of document it contains, according to the examples shown below):

  1. Revised article and footnotes in Microsoft Word (font Times New Roman, font size 12΄, line spacing 1,5) and PDF format, a total of two files (example: PapadopoulosText.doc and PapadopoulosText.pdf). This file should include the following, in the order given here: the author(s)’ name(s) (at the top, flush left, in capital letters), the paper’s title (in the center, two lines below the name, in capital letters), the main text of the article with the footnotes, the abstract. If there are changes in the title and/or abstract of the paper, the Editor(s) should be notified in the letter addressed to him by the author (see below).
  2. Illustrations. Each one is submitted as a separate TIFF file. The filename includes the number of the image. Illustrations are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text (example: PapadopoulosFigure1.tiff or PapadopoulosPlan1.tiff).
  3. List of captions in Microsoft Word. List the captions of all the images/plans appearing in the text separately in consecutive numbers in Arabic numerals (example: PapadopoulosCaptions1.doc).
  4. Appendices or catalogues (if available) in Microsoft Word and PDF format, a total of two files per appendix/catalogue (example: PapadopoulosAppendix1.doc and PapadopoulosAppendix1.pdf).
  5. Tables (if available) in Microsoft Word and PDF format, a total of two files per table (example: PapadopoulosTable1.doc and PapadopoulosTable1.pdf). Each table is accompanied by a caption below it. Tables are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text.
  6. A signed letter to the Editor(s) of the journal, submitted as a scanned document in PDF format, which must include a list specifying how the reviewers’ suggested changes were dealt with and the reasons why.



Authors are advised to follow current conventions used in each language for accentuation, capitalization, dates and chronological periods etc., and to adhere to them with consistency throughout the article. For papers written in English, both British and US English are acceptable, as long as the author(s) maintain consistency.


Foreign words

Foreign words or phrases that are not commonly used in the language of the article must be italicized.



Unicode fonts for typing in any language that does not use the Latin alphabet, e.g. Greek or Arabic, are to be preferred. Unicode fonts for most languages are available free of charge on the Internet.


Transliteration into Latin characters

  • Authors may follow their preferred system of transliteration, as long as they use it consistently throughout the article.
  • As regards references to publications of contemporary works in Greek, only the name of the author is transliterated, while the title of the work should be provided in Greek. The place of publication should always be provided in the language of the article.
  • In references to publications in non-Greek characters (e.g. in the Cyrillic alphabet), the entire entry should be transliterated.


Quotations of ancient and medieval authors are always written in the polytonic system and are italicized without quotation marks (e.g. πρωτασηκρῆτις). Quotations of modern authors should be placed inside quotation marks.


Illustrations and captions

  • Photographs are submitted in accordance to the guidelines described below.
  • Numbering of photographs, drawings or maps should be consecutive and given in Arabic numerals.
  • In-text references to photographs or maps published in the article should be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text.
  • All images, line drawings and maps must be followed by a caption. If they originate from another publication, the caption should make a reference to that publication, including the page and/or illustration from which the image has been copied. In cases where the copyright is held by a third party, credit should be given that complies with the specifications of the copyright-holder.
    • Example of caption: Cross-Reliquary, late eighth - early ninth century A.D., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, inv. no. 17.190-715b (photo courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art).


Catalogue entries should be numbered consecutively, and consistency should be maintained in the presentation.



Numbering of tables in the text should be consecutive in Arabic numerals. Tables should be accompanied by captions at the bottom.


Numerals and measurements

Numbers from one to nine are spelled out. Larger numbers are given in Arabic numerals, unless they are at the beginning of a sentence, in which case they are spelled out. In bibliographic references, Arabic numerals are preferable for references to journal numbers, series numbers etc., while references to volume numbers of monographs, editions of primary sources etc. should be made using Latin or Greek numerals, according to the language of the book in question. Page numbers and dates are never abbreviated (e.g. p. 123-129 and not p. 123-9, 1951-1952 and not 1951-2). Numerals should be used when units of measurement are abbreviated (e.g. 2 m.). The metric system should be used for all types of measurements.



References are provided in footnotes within the text, at the bottom of every page and not at the end of the article. Footnote indicators are placed before a (possible) punctuation mark (e.g.: “according to Thiriet4, who…”). The names of authors or editors are written in small capital letters (“small caps”) and in the nominative case (if the name is Greek). First names are given in full only if the author is a woman (e.g.: D. Zakythinos, but Germaine Rouillard). When there is more than one author or editor, the names are separated by an en dash (e.g.: Α. Κazhdan – G. Constable, People and power in Byzantium…). On the contrary, double-barreled names or surnames are separated by a hyphen (e.g.: Marie-France Auzepy, Angeliki Laiou-Thomadakis).

The author-date reference system is not used. Please provide the exact page number(s) in abbreviated references.

References are given in full in the first occurrence and abbreviated thereafter. Full references should list the name of author, title of the work, series or journal, place of publication, date of publication and page numbers. Abbreviated references should include the last name of the author, a keyword or key phrase from the title, as well as the page numbers. References should be made to specific page numbers preceded by the abbreviation p. When referring to a study cited in the footnote directly above, the abbreviation op.cit. may be used instead of the abbreviated reference.


Examples of full and abbreviated references:

  • P. Magdalino, Aspects of Twelfth Century Byzantine Kaiserkritik, Speculum 58 (1983) 326-346 (hereafter:  Magdalino, Aspects)

When there is more than one reference in the same footnote, they should be separated by semicolons.

  • E.g.: Margaret Mullet, The Classical Tradition in the Byzantine Letter, in: Byzantium and the Classical Tradition, Margaret Mullet – R. Scott (eds.), Birmingham 1981, p. 75-93; H. Hunger, The Classical Tradition in Byzantine Literature: the Importance of Rhetoric, op.cit., p. 35-47; ......


The place of publication should be given in the language of the study

  • E.g. G. Cavallo (ed.), L’uomo bizantino, Bari 1992.


  • J. Darrouzès, Épistoliers byzantins du Xe siècle [Archives de l’Orient Chrétien 6], Paris 1960.


The volume number of books or collective volumes should be in Latin numerals

  • M. Balard, La Romanie Génoise, v. I ...


Footnote reference specifications with examples:



The title of the study is written in lower case roman letters, the title of the journal is italicized in non-abbreviated form, the volume number is given in Arabic numerals, the year in parenthesis. The abbreviation p. before the number of pages is omitted.

  • E.g.: Maria Dourou-Eliopoulou, The Catalan Duchy of Athens and the other Latin powers in Greece especially the principality of Achaea (1311-1388), Ἑῷα καὶ Ἑσπέρια 4 (1999-2000) 87-93

Title of collective volume

The title of the volume is written in lower case italicized roman letters:

  • V. Goss (ed.), The meeting of two Worlds. Cultural exchange between East and West during the period of the Crusades


Chapter in edited volume or paper in conference proceedings

The title of the study is written in lower case roman letters, followed by the word in: and the italicized title of the collective volume. The name of the editor(s) of the volume follows after the title, with the indication ed(s). in parenthesis. The series is written immediately after that, placed in square brackets.

  • E.g.: D. Jacoby, Venetian settlers in Latin Constantinople (1204-1261), in: Ricchi e poveri nella società dell'Oriente grecolatino, Chryssa A. Maltezou (ed.) [Biblioteca dell'Istituto ellenico di Studi bizantini e postbizantini di Venezia, 19], Istituto ellenico di Studi bizantini e postbizantini di Venezia, Venice 1998, p. 181-204.


Book by a single author

The title is written in lower case roman letters.

  • E.g.: D. Nicol, The last centuries of Byzantium, London 1973, p. 424-428


Book belonging to a series

  • Hip. Delehaye, L'oeuvre des Bollandistes à travers trois siècles, 1617-1915 [Subsidia Hagiographica No 13 A2], Bruxelles 19692.



  • J. Heers, La città nel medioevo, trad. Maria C. Salemi, Milano 1995  [= La ville au Moyen Age, Paris 1990].


  • W. Heyd, Histoire du commerce du Levant au Moyen Age, v. I-II, Leipzig 1885-1886 (repr. Amsterdam 1967).


Revised edition

  • D. A. Zakythinos, Le despotat grec de Morée. Vie et institutions, édition revue et augmentée par Chryssa Maltezou [Variorum Reprints], London 2k1975.


Book review

  • Irene Christou, book review of Harald Heppner –  Olga Katsiardi-Hering (eds.), Die Griechen und Europa. Außen- und Innensichten im Wandel der Zeit [Zur Kunde Südosteuropas, Band ΙΙ/ 25], Böhlau, Wien – Köln – Weimar 1998, p. 239, in:  Ἑῷα καὶ Ἑσπέρια 4 (1999-2000) 297-299.


Entry in encyclopedia

  • The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, New York – Oxford 1991, v. II, s.v. Maurozomes (A. Kazhdan).


Primary source

References to Greek primary sources, old studies etc. must be written in the polytonic system.

  • E.g.: Euthymios Malakes, Εὐθυμίου τοῦ Μαλάκη, μητροπολίτου Νέων Πατρῶν (Ὑπάτης), Τὰ σῳζόμενα, ed. Kon. G. Bones, Athens 1937.

When quoting from primary source texts, references to page and line(s) must be in the following format: p. 485-6.


  • The Catholic Encyclopedia,  v. X, New York 1911, s.v. Abbey and Congregation of Melk (L. Toke) in <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10167a.htm> last visit August 16, 2011



Illustrations may only be submitted electronically via the journal’s webpage and should be in TIFF format. Authors should notify the Editor in regard to the program(s) used to create digital images, including the specific version of each program. Illustrations should be submitted in the desired orientation, while images of objects should preferably have a scale indication. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively per the order they are cited in the text. In the published text, illustrations will appear at the end of each article. The Editor reserves the right to reject digital images of poor quality that do not conform to the journal’s standards.


Image specifications:

  • Black-and-white scans
    • Black-and-white scans should be in grayscale mode, in TIFF format, and should be reproduced from high-quality originals. Resolution must be at 350 dpi, at 100% of the desired print size.

  • Color scans
    • Color scans should be submitted in RGB mode, in the TIFF format. Resolution must be at 350 dpi at 100% of the desired print size.

  • Plans and maps
    • Digital line art (plans and maps) should be submitted in a minimum of 1200 dpi and at 100% of the desired print size. They are to be submitted in TIFF format as line art or bitmap. Large files must be saved using the LZW compression provided in the application. All plans should be accompanied by a north arrow and a scale.


Permissions of reproduction

The author is responsible for securing all necessary permissions to reproduce copyrighted material, e.g. photographs and drawings. He/she is responsible for defraying any costs involved in procuring such permissions. During the stage of final submission, the author accepts that he/she has requested and received from the creator(s) and/or beneficiary/beneficiaries all relevant permissions for content reproduction.

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