
Liste de vérification de la soumission


Directives aux auteurs

-Title and summary- The title of the article should be centered at the top of the title page, with the abstract below. The abstract should be no longer than 250 words and should outline the issues discussed, methodology, and conclusions.

-Line spacing, paragraphs and headings- Lines should be single spaced. Paragraphs should be justified and first line indented 1 cm. All headings should be typed on a separate line, not run in with the text. There should be no additional spacing before or after lines.

-Footnotes- Eulimene does not use in-text citations, except for references to primary ancient sources. Notes should be formatted as footnotes, numbered in one series.

-Fonts- Main Text in Baskerville Win95BT size 11 and Ancient Greek text in New Athena Unicode size 10. For footnotes, Baskerville Win95BT size 9 and Ancient Greek text in New Athena Unicode size 8.

-Illustrations- Illustrations should be submitted in .jpg or .tiff format of at least 1,200 dpi (dots per inch) for line art and 400 dpi for coloured and halftones (grayscale mode) resolution. All illustrations should be numbered in a single sequence.
Illustrations used to present data should not be manipulated, except for clarity purposes (e.g. adjustment of the contrast, colours etc.). When doing so, the author must ensure that the manipulation does not lead to loss or misinterpretation of data.

Captions should be set as suggested below, with credits placed in parentheses and ending with a period:

Figure 1. Kymissala. General view from the northeast (source: KARP).

Figure 2. Drawing of the temple of St. Fokas (drawing by M. Stefanakis).

Figure 3. Site Alonia/Merouli (Maiuri 1916, 286, fig. 4).

Figure 4. Supero-dorsal cranial view (© A.P. Agelarakis).

-Lists of works cited- Sources cited in the text must appear at the end of the manuscript with full bibliographic information. Entries should be justified and hanging 1 cm. Bibliographic entries and citations should be left in the original languages.

One Author

Στεφανάκης, M.I. 2008. Κυμισάλα. Αθήνα: University Press.

1 Στεφανάκης 2008, 86.


Two or More Authors

Στεφανάκης, M.I. και E. Δημητρίου 2015. Τα νομίσματα της νήσου Ρόδου κατά την αρχαιότητα. Αθήνα: Καρδαμίτσα.

1 Στεφανάκης και Δημητρίου 2015, 255.


Stefanakis, M.I., K. Kalogeropoulos and E. Kosmidou 2022. The necropolis of Kymissala. Athens: Estia.

1 Stefanakis et al. 2022, 46-51.


Editor or Translator as Author

Stefanakis, M.I. (ed.) 2017. The Herakleion museum: full catalogue. Herakleion: University Press.

1 Stefanakis 2017, 409-410.


Stefanakis, M.I., K. Kalojeropoulos and E. Kosmidou (eds) 2020. Kymissala: present, past, future. Athens: University Press.

1 Stefanakis et al. 2020.


Book in a Series

Ζαρίφης, Ν. 2023. Η Αρχιτεκτονική του Ιερού του Ερμή και της Αφροδίτης στη Σύμη Βιάννου (Ευλιμένη σειρά 5). Ρέθυμνο: ΜΑΕ.

1 Ζαρίφης 2023, 55-57.


Book in preparation for publication or in press

Stefanakis, M.I. (forthcoming). New evidence from the necropolis of Kymissala. Athens. University Press.

1 Stefanakis (forthcoming), 148.


Titled parts of a Book

Stefanakis, M.I. 2017. “Kymissala: two centuries of exploration and research”, in M.I. Stefanakis (ed.), Kymissala. Archaeology-Education-Sustainability. Oxford: Archeaopress, 1-8.

1 Stefanakis 2017, 7.


Journal article

Stefanakis, M.I. 2021. “Some (Preliminary) Observations on Attic Black-Figure Pottery from Naukratis”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 32, 17-38.

1 Stefanakis 2021, 22-24.


Website references

A citation to an internet web page should contain the URL information followed by date of last accessed.


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