Ο γλυπτός διάκοσμος του Ναού Α στον Πρινιά. Μία ερμηνευτική πρόταση

Αγγελική Λεμπέση

The interpretation proposed herein for the sculptural decoration of the so-called Temple A at Prinias takes into consideration its connection with the traditional architectural type of the oikos-naos, as well as the representational data of votives from Cretan sanctuaries. The correlation of the above data indicates that the theory whereby the three different types of female figures portrayed in the sculptural decoration reflect the honored Mistress of animals is precarious.

The position which the three types of figures have in the structural type of the oikos-naos is subject to the principle of ranking sequence; the higher position of the seated Mistress of Animals is prominent when compared both to the downgraded position of the clothed and the nude female figures who are portrayed standing and also to the procession of the armed charioteers.

This is the way in which the ruling class of the second half of the 7th c. BC notes the necessary subjection of the inhabitants of Prinias who had full political rights to the transcendental world of the honored Mistress of Animals.

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Riferimenti bibliografici
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