Climatic vs tectonic control on the Early Late Miocene tectono-stratigraphic deposits of the Pre-Apulian Zone, Western Greece.

Published: Dec 2, 2013
Early Tortonian foraminifera palaeobathymetry tectonics climate
H. Drinia
Here, we elucidate the relationship between tectonics and climate and their influence on sedimentation. A number of marine sediment samples were collected from a section located in the northern margin of the Agios Petros Basin (Early Tortonian, Levkas Island, W. Greece) for micropalaeontological analysis, in order to establish and interpret of the palaeoenvironmental and palaeobathymetric changes. The distribution patterns of the dominant and associated benthic foraminiferal species (Siphonina reticulata and Cibicidoides kullenbergi), together with the decreased Benthic Foraminiferal Number (BFN) values, elevated diversities and higher planktonic- to-benthic ratios, suggest deposition at bathyal water depths with moderate organic matter fluxes and elevated oxygen contents of the bottom water, typical for this water depth interval. The early Late Miocene infilling of the Agios Petros basin is related to the westward advances of the Ionian zone which induced flexural loading and subsequent relative sea-level rise.
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  • Palaeontology, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
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