Published: Jan 1, 2010
geochemical atlas stream water ground water bottled water soil overbank sediment floodplain sediment harmonisation of methods INSPIRE REACH Europe
A. Demetriades
C. Reimann
M. Birke
R. Salminen
W. De Vos
T. Tarvainen
EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group

An ‘Atlas’ is a collection of maps usually published in a book form. A ‘Geochemical Atlas’ is a thematic special purpose atlas with maps describing the geographical distribution of chemical elements and other physico-chemical parameters in different natural sample media, such as stream sediment, overbank or floodplain sediment, stream water, ground water, soil, plants, etc. Because our standard of living and health depend closely on the chemistry of near-surface materials, such atlases that provide data on the state of our environment are important for policy and decision makers, but also for researchers and citizens alike. The EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group is dedicated to provide harmonised multi-purpose geochemical data bases, and has already published the Geochemical Atlas of Europe, and is in the process of preparing the Atlas of Ground water Geochemistry of Europe, and the Atlas of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soils. An important aspect is that all raw data, quality control information, statistics, maps and interpretation texts are freely available for downloading through the internet.

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  • Geochemistry and Ore Deposit Geology
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