Geochronological and structural investigations of the Northern Pelagonian crystalline zone. Constraints from K/Ar and zircon and apatite fission track dating

Published: Jan 1, 2001
Central Pelagonian Zone West Pelagonian Zone Hercynian orogeny Alpine orogeny Eohellenic nappe stacking K/Ar chronology fission track dating

The northern part of the Pelagonian Zone experienced a polyphase deformation and metamorphism. Four groups of K/Ar biotite and white mica ages document (I) Hercynian emplacement of plutonic rocks, (II) Eohellenic nappe stacking associated with penetrative deformation / recrystallisation, (III) a Paleocene event in the Mesocoic cover rocks in Greece and (IV) a westward movement of West Pelagonian nappes during Eocene to Oligocene time. First zircon/apatite fission track ages clustering around 70 Ma and 45 to 30 Ma.

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