Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 1, 2004
K. Resimic-Saric
A. Koroneos
V. Cvetkovic
K. Balogh

The ophiolitic complex of Zdraljica (Central Serbia) belongs to the Eastern Branch of the Vardar suture zone. It was emp'aced during the Upper Jurassic. The complex consists predominately of a MORB/VAB-like tholeiitic suite, represented mostly by gabbros and diabases. Small occurrences of cummulitic peridotites, basalts and plagiogranites also appear. The tholeiitic suite is intruded by calc-alkaline intermediate and acid magmas. Geochemical data suggest that the ZOC tholeiitic rocks originated by partial melting of a spinel-lherzolite source. Non-modal batch melting modeling indicates 10 to 15 % of partial melting of such a source. The magmas were later modified by fractional crystallization. One-step major element modeling requires 40% (F=0.60) of fractional crystallization of a mineral assemblage: PI52 gCpxi2 5OI26 iTtn2 9Ap4.4Mgt1.0- The model is supported by the variation patterns of most trace elements.

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