Deep tectonic structure of Northwestern Attica, Greece: Geodynamic pattern of Athens earthquake

Δημοσιευμένα: janv. 1, 2001

The study of Athens 09.07.1999 earthquake (Ms =5.9), which occurred in the area of the NW Attica peninsula within the Thriasio neotectonic basin, shed light to the complicated active tectonic structure of Attica. The geological, gravity and magnetic data, as well as the results of InSAR analysis were jointly considered for a better understanding of the block tectonics and kinematics of the meisoseismal area, as well as block geodynamic related to the seismic event. The deep tectonic structure is characterized by existence of small (up to 20km) dimensions uplifted and subsided blocks of Paleozoic basement that defined the characteristic tectonic pattern of the area. The largest values of co-seismic subsidence, derived from InSAR analysis, are observed within the subsided blocks of epicentral area. This evidence, together with the results of field microtectonic observations, implies that this ensemble of blocks, during the seismic event, moved in accordance with block kinematics and under the approximately N-S tension, which is characteristic for Attica on its neotectonic history ranging from Mid Pleistocene to date

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