Published: Jul 27, 2016
GNSS data precise point positioning earthquake site displacements
C. Pikridas
S. Bitharis
A. Fotiou
D. Rossikopoulos
S. Katsougiannopoulos
K. Spanakaki
I. Karolos

The Precise Point Positioning (PPP) analysis method adapted for monitoring coordinate displacements from GNSS permanent stations data. One week period data were analyzed covering the Samothrace strong earthquake event of 6.8M. The sample data were processed with Bernese v5.2 PPP engine and with the online web platform of JPL which uses the GIPSY/OASIS v6.3 software package. Also, for validation purposes the output results were compared with those derived by network analysis by means of the GAMIT processing software of MIT. Our experiments proved the ability to measure dynamic seismic related coordinate variations at sub-centimeter level using the PPP algorithm. But this is efficient when strong earthquakes occurs and for stations close to epicenter. 

Article Details
  • Section
  • Seismology
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