Published: Jun 8, 2007
Potential Field Dead Sea Shaded Relief Pragmatic Fracture
A. S. Al-Zoubi

Gravity and magnetic data are powerful tools utilized to detect the faults (lineaments). In Jordan, still the detailed analyses and reprocessing based on images, would effectively generate shaded relief of second derivative of potential filed, as the contour gravity and magnetic maps itself yield additional faults location. Accordingly new basements faults map focuses on faults crisscrossing Jordan that scrutinize the structural condition of Jordan indicating that the faults belong to distinct groups with different directions. However, these groups are representing a system of an "Orthogonal and Diagonal" network deem to be part of the pragmatic fracture system of the earth. It has been observed that the striking characteristics of these faults expressed by their (1) faults extension relatively extended for long distances and (2) intersection of these systems with each other possibly will help in defining their relative ages. Comparing the results of the current study with those of previous investigations provide an evidence to deem that these known faults in Jordan as supported by the geological or geophysical studies coincide in their positions with faults of linear characteristics as the new interpretation of the potential field maps indicates. However, a single system of this network shows a group of identical characteristics, as each system was formed at the same period of time, yet these different fault systems are concordant with the different phases of the tectonic activities of the region.

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  • Tectonic- Dynamic- Applied Geology
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