Revision of the geological map and 3D modelling of the geological structure of the Samaria Gorge Region, W. Crete

Published: Jan 1, 2001
3D modelling CAD Plattenkalk Samaria gorge Crete Greece

The island of Crete is situated near the front of an active plate margin. Therefore, it is of great interest in the framework of the International Continental Drilling Project (I.C.D.P.). A short review of the digital modelling methods, their applications in the geosciences and the associated advantages is also presented. The digital 3-dimensional geometric model of the geological structure of the Samaria Gorge region is based on the study of the stratigraphy and the tectonic evolution of the metamorphic rocks of the Plattenkalk group in SW Crete. Data from the geological map of Greece (Vatolakkos sheet, 1:50.000) and from the literature have been supplemented by geological mapping and structural analyses. In our study we applied interactive 3D CAD methods implemented in the integrated software package SURPAC2000. The surface geology has been draped over a digital elevation model of the topography in order to model the geometry of the subsurface structures. Two hypotheses about the geological structure of the region are examined: a) the one given by the existing geological map, which proposes a syncline structure and b) the one resulting from the combination of existing data, corrections carried out through repeated 3D simulations and new field observations. After distinguishing in the S of the study area the Trypali union, overthrusted on the Plattenkalk group, we propose an anticline structure with a NNE/SSW striking axis dipping to the NE.

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  • General and Structural Geology
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