Brittle tectonic and morphological alteration of Almyros basin

Published: Jan 1, 2001
Geomorphology morphotectonics neotectonics fault stress field

Two crossed fault systems with NW-SE and E-W directions affect on the central and southern part of the Almyros basin. The uplift movement in the western part of the basin, with importance vertical displacement (up to 200m) of the lignite layers and the formation river terraces are related with the activity of the first fault NWSE direction. The second fault with E-W direction, located along Xerias river, affect on drainage system with hydrographie network from the south to the north development. In the southern part of the basin and on the Orthrys mountain a fault system with E-W trending affects on alpine basement and neogene deposits. This fault system forms the southern boundary of the Almyros basin. The recent brittle tectonic during Neogene-Quaternary is connected with the evolution and the configuration of the Almyros basin as well as volcanic activity of the area. The morphological differentiations of Almyros basin, the drainage system and the recent landforms with morphogenic activity are controlled by the recent brittle tectonics. The normal fault systems in the studied area caused by the extensional stress field (σ3), trending N-S to NNW-SSE, which controls the geodynamic regime since Lower Pleistocene. This geodynamic regime has defined the recent morphological and morphotectonic evolution of the studied area.

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  • Neotectonics and Geomorphology
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