The 10 June 2012 MW 6.0 earthquake sequence in the easternmost end of the Hellenic arc.

A. Kiratzi
M. Aktar
N. Svigkas

The 10 June 2012 (UTC 12:44:17.3; lat. 36.441°N, long. 28.904°E, Mw6.0) earthquake sequence, 60 km to the west of Rodos Island, is studied, in an attempt to shed light to the obscure deformation pattern at the easternmost end of the Hellenic Arc. Moment tensor solutions for the mainshock and the strongest aftershocks revealed the operation of WNW-ESE dextral strike-slip faulting, with slip vector at
~N295°E, approximately orthogonal to the GPS velocity vectors. The strike of the activated structure generally aligns with bathymetric linear escarpments observed in the region, bordering the eastern section of the Rodos basin. The best constrained focal depths are in the range 10 to 25 km, with the mainshock at the depth of 24 km.
The slip model for the mainshock, obtained through a finite-fault inversion scheme, showed that slip was mainly concentrated in a single patch, with the locus of peak slip (~125 cm) located ~ 4km to the NW of the hypocenter. The sequence which lies in the western continuation of the Fethiye – Burdur sinistral strike-slip zone into the
Aegean Sea and Rodos basin, is not connected with activation of this zone. Its characteristics comply with the activation of a dextral strike-slip structure, oblique to this zone, which accommodates along – arc NE-SW extension. 

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