I. S. Kalogeras
G. Marketos
Y. Theodoridis

SEISMO-SURFER is a tool for collecting, querying and mining seismic data being developed in Java programming language using Oracle database system. The objective is to combine recent research trends and results in the fields of spatial and spatio-temporal databases, data warehouses and data mining, as well as well established visualization techniques for geographical information. The database of the tool is automatically updated from remote sources while existing possibilities allow the querying on different earthquakes parameters, the analysis of the data for extraction of useful information and the graphical representation of the results via maps, charts etc. In the present work, we extend SEISMO-SURFER to include macroseismic data collected by the Geodynamic Institute and filled in a relative database. More specifically, the seismic parameters of the strong earthquakes, stored into the SEISMO-SURFER database, are linked to the macroseismic intensities observed at different sites. Administrative information for each site, local surface geology, tectonic lines, damage photographs and detailed descriptions from newspapers are also included. University of Piraeus and Geodynamic Institute are working together to continuously update and develop SEISMO-SURFER, concerning the data included, the variety of parameters stored and the mining algorithms supported for exploiting knowledge.

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  • Rubrique
  • Seismology
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