Σ. B. Παυλίδης
Σ. Βαλκανιώτης
A. Γκανάς
Δ. Κεραμυδάς
Σ. Σμπόρας

The Northern Gulf of Evoia is a region with an intense neotectonic activity, dominated by characteristic and impressive active faults. The only fault in the region which is connected with a strong historical earthquake, is the Atalanti fault, with the well-known earthquake sequence of 1894. For an accurate mapping of the fault trace, the 1894 surface ruptures investigation and the estimation of the area's seismic hazard, there has been made a detailed geological - neotectonic investigation of the Atalanti city area. The results of this investigation show that the Atalanti fault comprises a 20- 30km long fault zone, divided in at least 4 segments: Atalanti, Kiparissi-Almyra, Tragana-Proskyna, Martino and possibly Larymna segment. The maximum earthquake magnitude is estimated in Msmax=6.8, and the recurrence interval, concerning the same magnitude, for Atalanti fault is larger than 1000 years, possibly even more than 2000 years. Paleoseismological trenching in Agios Konstantinos area excludes the connection of this fault with the earthquake sequence of 1894.

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  • Rubrique
  • Tectonics and Geodynamics
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