Κ. Σικαλίδης
Ν. Καραγιαννίδης

Limestone, dolomitic stone, huntite, active magnesia and their mixtures as well as phosphorus containing gypsum, all by-products of various industrial activities, were investigated as soil amendments for acidic (pH 4.2 - 4.5) soils from Drama area, N. Greece and alkaline (pH 8.1 - 8.2) soils from Thermi area, N. Greece. Additions of 500 and 350 kg of the industrial by-products or their various mixtures tested, per 1000 sq.meters, improve the soil pH from the strong acidic area to 6.5- 7.5. Active magnesia increases the pH values above 8. Additions of 200 kg of mixtures of limestone and active magnesia per 1000 sq.meters, found to be able to increase the soil pH from 4.2 to around 6.5. These results were obtained within ten days from the day of application. Phosphorous containing gypsum, by-product of phosphoric fertilizers industry, was found to be able to decrease the soil pH from 8.1-8.2 down to 7.1. The results of this work suggest the possible use of the studied by-products as soil amendments for acidic and alkaline soils, respectively.

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  • Rubrique
  • Industrial Minerals and Rocks
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