J. H. Brunn
I. Argyriadis
J. Braud

Most of the folded mountain ranges of our planet include masses of ophiolites. In accordance with the today 's predominant theory this is explained by obduction of ocean floor masses. Since 1956 Professor Brunn formulated the theory of undersea extrusion of mantel material. Our recent research in the areas of Vourinos, Vermion and Pindos have lead us to the conclusion that: The ophiolites are in normal, no tectonic contact with their supporting layers. This contact shows a typical thermal transformation with layers of homstein, amphibolites and granatites.
The directly beneath underlaying series shows progressive and clear evolution from a carbonate platform into a subsea environment with increasing volcanic influences including pillow lava flows. As a conclusion of these observations we can state that we should not automatically interprete ophiolitic findings of the folded ranges to obduction of oceanic floor material. Probably an early compression of the future orogenic areas leads to the creation of rifts with obligue direction to the main axe of compression. Through these rifts hot ultrabasic magma flowed over the sea floor which crystalises in a differencial process.

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  • Rubrique
  • Tectonics and Geodynamics
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