Γ. Παναγόπουλος
E. Πυτικάκης
K. Κατσάνου
N. Λαμπράκης

The aquifers of the Messini region were categorized on the basis of lithology of different geological formations and are presented in this study. They are classified in two main categories: the porous media aquifers, in which are included the alluvial deposits and the Pleio-pleistocene formations, and the karst aquifers of carbonate rocks. Based on field and laboratorial chemical analyses, a relatively increased salinity of the karst aquifer was confirmed and is attributed to natural mixing mechanisms between fresh and seawater. Also, high concentrations of nitrates and nitrites were determined in the groundwater of the Pleiopleistocene aquifer, as a consequence of intensive fertilization with ammonium and sulfate fertilizers.

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  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
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