First geophysical results in the Archeological sites of Θούρια (Péloponnèse, Hellas) and Sibari-Thurii (southern Italy)

B. Di Fiore
D. Chianese
A. Loperte
G. Conte
A. Dibenedetto
P. Vitti
O. Voza
E. Greco

High resolution techniques for data acquisition and processing procedures are increasingly applied in near-surface geophysics for archaeology. In this paper we present the preliminary results of two geophysical measurements campaigns aimed to the investigation of buried remains in the archaeological sites of Θουρία (Péloponnèse, Hellas) and Sibari (Southern Italy). In the first field survey the geophysical approach involved the integrated application of the geoelectrical and magnetic methods and an innovative tomographic analysis for the inversion of both resistivity and magnetic data. In the second case, we carried out high resolution magnetic measurements, interpreted by means of the use of an appropriate filtering procedure. The applied data inversion allows us to provide reliable space patterns of the most probable specific target boundaries, improving the information quality of geophysical methods. The results obtained at this early stage of data processing confirm some archaeological hypothesis about the investigated areas and confirm that the use of integrated geophysical methods allows the archaeologists to reduce the time and the costs of their surveys.

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  • Rubrique
  • Geophysics and Seismology
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