Geothermal exploration in the Sani-Afytos area of the Kassandra peninsula (Chalkidiki peninsula, Northern Greece)

Ch. Kougoulis
A. Arvanitis
N. Kolios
S. Koutsinos
J. S. Kougoulis

The Sani-Afytos area in the Kassandra Peninsula (Chalkidiki) was the area of systematic geothermal exploration. Based on deep oil borehole data, the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary sediments show significant thickness reaching 3600 m and cover the metamorphosed Mesozoic, mainly carbonate, basement. The detailed water temperature investigation proved the presence of sub-thermal waters (20-28°C) at depths up to 300 m and the spatial distribution of the isothermal curves at depths of 150 and 200 m according to the main NW-SE and SE-NW tectonic structures of the area. Through the construction of geothermal exploration and production wells at depths of 422-583 m, thermal waters of 31.7-36°C were detected within the Upper Miocene sediments. The average value of the geothermal gradient was calculated to be 3-4°CI 100 m. One production well of 520 m depth provides waters of 34°C while its potential flow rate is approximately 50 m /h. The geothermal waters were classified in Na-HCOi and Na-CI types of waters with TD. S 0.89-2.03 g/l. With the aid of chemical geothermometers the deep temperature was estimated to be 80-100°C. In one exploration well, the presence of gas phase (77% v/v CH4, 21.8% v/v N2) was detected. The geothermal exploration resulted in the characterization of the area as the "geothermal field of Sani-Afytos" and in the prospective development using the geothermal fluids in the tourism and other activities.

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  • Rubrique
  • Geophysics and Seismology
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