Publiée : июл. 23, 2018
Κ. Μπιζούρα
Ε. Μανούτσογλου
Ε. Σπυρίδωνος

Sustainable management of protected areas requires good knowledge of the entire system. Complicated natural systems require for their management the use of digital information systems, that would allow the integration of all the available information on the studied natural system as well as the elements of new researches. Among the natural systems the gorges constitute mainly geological structrures. The aim of the present study is the development of a 3D digital morphotectonic model for the Agia Eirini Gorge, crossing the southern limbs of mountain Lefka Ori in South-Western Crete. The work is divided in two parts, on one side in the creation of suitable backgrounds that is reqi ired for the creation of a 3D model and on the other hand the placement of the spatial data into the model. For the creation of the digital terrain model (DTM) of the gorge area, maps at a 1:5.000 scale, obtained from the Army Geographic Service were digitised using CAD Overlay 2000i software. The data obtained were transferred into SURPAC 2000 supplemented with orthophotomaps of the region with the method of superimposition. The initial data drawn from the existing geological map of the region were evaluated by data obtained from field work. This methodology allows integration of all available information for the system under study, including newly acquired data

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  • Rubrique
  • Marine Geology and Oceanography
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