The so called "triassic breccias" of the Ionian zone in Greece and Albania: Their stratigraphie position and the ensuing tectonic implications


Field observations are reported which show that: 1) at least part of the so called "Triassic breccias" of the Ionian isopic zone actually represent a local variant of the basal breccias of a Middle-Upper Miocene marine terrigenous sequence; 2) other portions of the same Miocenic basal breccias have been often mistaken in the past for some other looking-like terrane of different age (from Jurassic to Quaternary!). Since some currently accepted inferences on the time-sequence of both sedimentary and tectonic events ensuing from the above misunderstandings become questionable, new field investigation should be extended to the entire Ionian zone with due regard to the above terranes.

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  • General and Structural Geology
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