Industrial uses of carbonate rocks from Thassos island (Greece)


The carbonate rocks of Thassos Island are holocrystalline and present sparitic texture. The dolomites have smaller crystall size (0.7-1.6 mm) than the calcitic marbles (0.8-2.2 mm). In the dolomites except the synonymous mineral, calcite (1-10%) and traces of quartz, feldspars and micas are present. In the calcitic marbles except of the calcite, dolomite (2-28%), micas (1-6%) and occasionally feldspars, clay minerals and goethite occur. The results of chemical analysis agree with the mineralogical ones, as well as with the percentage of the isnoluble residue. The dolomites appear purer than all other marbles of the island. They most often contain Si02 (up to 0.88%). Beyond the decorative applications the calcitic marbles of Thassos are mainly suitable for the production of aggregates with any size requirement, cement and probably container glasses, for environmental uses and as soil conditioners. Respectively, the dolomitic marbles are suitable for the production of fertilizers and probably of container glasses and as fillers or whitenings in paper, paint and rubber industries.

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  • Rubrique
  • Industrial Minerals and Rocks
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