Determination of the shear wave velocities by the method microtremor on EuroseisTest


The knowledge of the underground structure is a very important parameter for site effects and the estimation of spatial variation of ground motion. In the present study the S-wave model is determined by recordings of ambient noise at a circular array. The method that is used is Spatial Autocorrelation Coefficient (S.P.A.C.)(Aki, 1957, 1965). Since it is the first time that the specific method is being applied in Greece is provided a detailed and critical description of the method. The S.P.A.C. method is based on the assumption that microtremor is a stationary random function. In case microtremor is stationary in time and space, then the spatial autocorrelation coefficient is calculated, from which phase velocities of surface waves are estimated and S-wave velocities are inverted. The S.P.A.C. method is applied to S5 position of EuroseisTest where the underground structure is well determined from other geophysical methods while it is considered as a suitable place for the validation of the method. The validation indicates that the S-wave velocity structure determined by recordings of ambient noise at circular arrays is a useful tool for site characterization.

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  • Geophysics
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