Status and codification of karst aquifer systems in Greece

Publiée : Ιουν 7, 2021
Konstantinos S. Voudouris

Karst groundwater is an important natural resource for the water supply. The karst aquifer systems of Greece are developed within carbonate sedimentary (limestone, dolomite) and metamorphic rocks (marbles) and contribute significantly to water supply for domestic and irrigation use. They are discharged through springs: submarine, coastal brackish and inland freshwater springs. This review presents the general characteristics of karst aquifers focusing on hydraulic properties. Evaluation of the results shows that the hydraulic parameters of the karstic aquifer systems range within a large scale of values depending on karstification, tectonics and stratigraphy. High values of transmissivity and specific capacity are recorded in the upper stratigraphically levels of the karstic aquifer systems. In addition, a total of 229 different karst systems were classified according to five criteria: 1) Lithology, 2) Position, 3) Quality status, 4) Exploitation and quantitative status and 5) Discharge of springs. The majority (80%) of karst systems is developed in sedimentary rocks (limestones) and is of good water quality and quantitative status. Poor water quality status is recorded in coastal karst aquifers (mainly on islands) due to seawater intrusion phenomena. Finally, this work summarizes the characteristics of the karst aquifers in Greece in order to ensure the sustainable management of groundwater resources.

Article Details
  • Rubrique
  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
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Biographie de l'auteur
Konstantinos S. Voudouris, Associate Professor Dept. of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Associate Professor

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