Diasporas engaging during the pandemic: international global exchanges in response to the Covid-19 crisis

Larisa Lara-Guerrero
The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented phenomenon that has challenged governments, international organisations, academics, and members of the civil society worldwide. In an effort to contribute to the alleviation of the pandemic and enhance the dialogue among diaspora experts, the International Organisation of Migration and iDiaspora organised three global exchanges. This policy brief argues that these platforms are particularly useful in times of crisis and restricted mobility because diasporas around the world have been able to share crucial information, give advice and create an open dialogue to inspire other migrants to develop their own initiatives against the pandemic.
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Larisa Lara-Guerrero, University of Liège and the University of Paris
Larisa Lara-Guerrero is a PhD Candidate in the field of Migration and Political Sciences, under the joint supervision of the University of Liège and the University of Paris. She is a fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations (IC Migrations) and holds a Master of Sciences in Migration Studies from the University of Oxford and a Master of Arts in Conflict, Security and Development from King’s College London.
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