Democracy, Transformation and the Relational Economy: Prospects for a Successful Society

Michael Messal
Marc Dommes
Felix Schwunk

Not least because of existential crises such as climate change, poverty or social inequality, the transformation currently taking place is changing the way people live together in a sustainable manner. However, such challenges can only be overcome by humanity as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new collective problem solving modes that take into account the relationship of the individual to his environment. As a starting point for this, we propose the introduction of a systemic-relational economy which, starting from companies, establishes a holistic world view oriented towards the growth of good relationships. This is the preferable way to meet the changing demands of modern life and to achieve ecologically, economically and socially sustainable success.

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Biografía del autor/a
Michael Messal, University of Siegen

Michael Messal, M.A. has studied Pluralist Economics and Philosophy at University of Siegen. Furthermore he is a doctoral candidate at University of Bremen. He is co-founder, CVT and researcher at VierMa GmbH, a cooperative innovation consulting agency with a focus on social, economic and ecologic sustainability. 

Marc Dommes, University of Siegen
Marc Dommes studied Pluralist Economics (M.A.) at University of Siegen. He is co-founder, CFDO and researcher at VierMa GmbH. His academic interests include social development and the Future of Work.
Felix Schwunk, University of Siegen
Felix Schwunk, M.A. is a Pluralist Economist and Business Engineer. He is co-founder, CHC and researcher at VierMa GmbH. Felix’ latest research focused on the combination of social, human oriented and economic factors of success.
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