Turkey's Energy Strategic Planning in the Eastern Mediterranean: Business Planning – Challenges – Adjustments

Anastasios Nikolaos Kanellopoulos
Konstantinos Galanis

This paper attempts to describe Turkey's energy strategy, through an approach of its strategic position, energy needs and policies. This analysis presents a modern approach to strategic analysis that concerns a country, as it uses models of international policy, business and energy analysis, which are mainly utilized in business sector of trade and energy. The combination of these models leads to a better and in-depth understanding of the Turkish political and economic reality, which determines the development and evolution of the Turkish energy strategy.

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Biografía del autor/a
Anastasios Nikolaos Kanellopoulos, Neapolis University Pafos

Strategic Analyst; MSc in International Relations, Strategy and Security, Neapolis University Pafos.

Konstantinos Galanis, University of Piraeus

Studies Banking and Financial Management at the University of Piraeus. 

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